Community Parish Hall Parish Hall News Warcop Remote Cinema

Warcop Remote Cinema Resumes – One Life, Thursday 19th September

The full list of upcoming films can be found on the Remote Cinema page of this website. The first screening of the autumn season is the film One Life starring Anthony Hopkins. Here is a link to a poster and YouTube clip of the trailer. Please come and support the cinema at Warcop.


Possible Dance Class

Do you fancy a bit of Strictly at the Hall? Would you like to be taught the skills of Salsa or learn how to Cha Cha Cha or do the waltz? We have an experienced teacher from Appleby who is keen to start a class on Wednesday afternoons at Warcop Parish Hall (probably at 2pm,) but we need to have committed members to join the class to make it viable. She will adapt her teaching to your ability, mobility and interests. Above all it will be a a social occasion with refreshments included. It will be a fun session, probably an hour long, price to be worked out.

If you think you would like to try this new class, even if it’s initially for a trial period, please let me know a.s.a.p. either by email or on 41390. If we can get about 10 people, the class could start late September or early October.